
Welcome to GISC 605!

Course overview

This course provides an understanding of some of the most crucial programming principles to empower geospatial professionals. It is vital for geospatial professionals to efficiently manage, analyze, and visualize complex data using programs. As a result, this course will primarily focus and work with Python programming.

Python is an excellent choice for geospatial programming because of its versatility and accessibility. Additionally, its extensive libraries and frameworks, which are specifically designed for geospatial analysis, such as Geopandas and Rasterio, make it a terrific choice for professionals working on geospatial projects. Moreover, its vibrant community provides an abundance of support and resources.

Code of Conduct

YouTube Channel with Lecture Recordings

Course Discord server

Instructor: Alex Pakalniskis

Methods of Instruction


  • Presentation of theoretical and practical materials related to geospatial programming

YouTube videos

  • Sharing learning resources from other educators to supplement your learning

Methods of Assessment

Computer Laboratory Exercises

  • The purpose of these exercises is to assess the students' ability to synthesize, evaluate, and apply the material presented in lecture in practice laboratory assignments. Students should illustrate their ability to combine multiple techniques in order to answer a spatial problem.

  • The instructor will assess the completeness of each student's lab assignments in both qualitative and quantitative ways.

  • A minimum of 7 computer lab exercises will be assigned. No individual lab assignment will be worth more than one-third of the final course grade.

Extra credit opportunities

Students will have the opportunity to test their learning and earn extra credit throughout the semester. Keep an eye out for these opportunities starting class session 3. Example opportunities include:

  • optional multiple-choice pop quiz

  • micro report

  • In-lab extra credit opportunities

Late Policy

Please turn in all assignments before the listed deadline to maximize your grade. The instructor will make accommodations to deadlines when notified in advance so please make sure to reach out in advance (and not after the due date).

  • Instructor will deduct 10% (typically 1 point) for every week an assignment is late

  • Please make sure to turn in all assignments (even if it is late) as every point counts

Reaching your instructor

Discord is preferred method of communication (either a post in #q-and-a or a DM)

The best way to reach me by email is to send a message to my gmail.com account (alexpakalniskis3 at the aforementioned email provider). My CSULB email is a bit wonky, but the Gmail account will definitely reach me quickly.

Last updated