Code of Conduct
As members of this virtual graduate class, we are committed to creating a respectful, kind, and inclusive learning environment. In order to achieve this goal, we agree to abide by the following code of conduct:
Respect and Kindness: We will treat all classmates, instructors, and guests with respect and kindness, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or cultural background. We will listen actively, respond thoughtfully, and critique constructively.
Willingness to Learn and Help Others: We will be open to learning and helping others when they are stuck. We will be patient, empathetic, and supportive in our interactions with others. We will be willing to offer and receive help, and engage in constructive discussions.
Academic Integrity: We will adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and avoid plagiarism or any other form of academic misconduct.
Timeliness: We will submit assignments and participate in discussions on time and inform the instructor in advance if we anticipate any challenges meeting deadlines.
Communication: We will communicate with each other in a professional and respectful manner, both in written and verbal communication. We will be mindful of how our words may affect others and avoid making disparaging or discriminatory comments.
Technology: We will ensure that our technology is up-to-date and reliable, and we will promptly inform the instructor if we experience any technical difficulties that may impact our ability to participate in the class.
Confidentiality: We will maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information discussed in the class, including personal information shared by classmates.
Accessibility: We will strive to create an accessible learning environment, and inform the instructor in advance if we require any accommodations to fully participate in the class.
Enforcement of the Code of Conduct
Any violation of this code of conduct will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the class. Instructors reserve the right to take any necessary actions to enforce this code of conduct and maintain a respectful and inclusive learning environment.
Last updated