5: Basics of Python programming

November 29, 2023

Lab instructions

  1. Create a GitHub repository called python-part1 in your GitHub account

  2. For each of the lesson links:

    1. Launch the lesson notebook using the launch Binder icon

    2. Follow along and fill-in the empty code cells starting from top to bottom

    3. Save your changes along the way

    4. Download the .ipynb file to your computer from Binder once you complete the lesson

    5. Upload the .ipynb file to your python-part1 GitHub repo

Each completed file is worth 25% of your total score: 20 points

Lab deliverable

Due by December 5, 2023 11:59 pm

  1. Login to Canvas and navigate to the Lab 5 assignment

  2. Input the URL of your python-part1 GitHub repository then submit your Lab 5 assignment

Last updated